Ph.D. University of Illinois, College of Education, 1988
M. Ed. University of Manitoba, Faculty of Education, 1984
L. Mus. Western Board of Music 1983 (vocal performance)
A. Mus. Western Board of Music 1981 (vocal performance)
B. Mus. Brandon University, School of Music, 1975
B.A. University of Manitoba, Arts & Science 1973
Teachers Certificate University of Manitoba, 1969
Sacred Music Dip. Steinbach Bible College, (2 years 1967,1968)
Additional studies in church music
• Providence Theological Seminary, 1981
• Wittenburg University, 1982
University of Toronto 1987 – present
• Professor Emeritus, University of Toronto, 2017 -
• Associate Dean - Research, Faculty of Music, Dec. 1, 2011 - 2015
• Founding Director of Music and Health Research Collaboratory 2012 - 2016
• Cross-appointed to Rehabilitation Sciences Institute 2014 -
• Cross-appointed to Institute for Life Course and Aging, 2013 -
• Cross-appointed to Ontario Institute for Studies in Education/UT, CTL Department, 2005 – 2016
• Board Member, Collaborative Program in Neuroscience 2011 - 2017
• Continuing Member of the Graduate Department 1994 - present
• Full Professor Music 2009 - 2017
• Associate Professor of Music Education 1993 - 2009
• Assistant Professor of Music Education 1987 - 1993
· Provost's Outstanding Performance Award 2012
· Poliquin Resident Research Award – Coauthor with Ashlin Alexander 2009
· Percy Ireland 18th Annual Academic Day, "Overall Best Paper." 2009
· Canadian Recording Industry Association 2002 – 2009
- 4 Platinum Album Awards
- 8 Gold Album Awards
· U.S. Recording Arts and Sciences 2005 - 2008
- 1 Platinum Album Award for Sing-Along Favorites (1 million albums in US)
- 4 Gold Album Awards
- 1 Latin Gold award
· Juno Award Nominations – 2 albums in 2001, one album in 2000
· Listed in Who’s Who in Canada 1994 – present
Research-related appointments (12 years):
Member Chair, Scientific Advisory Board Neuro Spinal Innovations (KKT International) 2019 -
Member International Advisory Board VIBRAC- Skille-Lehikoinen Centre for Vibroacoustic Therapy and Research, University of Jyväskylä 2014 –
Scientific Committee Society for Music Perception and Cognition Conference 2012- 2013
Research Associate Research for Youth, Music, and Education Project 2013 -
Scientific Committee International Society for Performance Science, 2010-11
Associate International Institute for Global Education, 2002 - 2010
Editing & Reviewing:
Guest Editor Healthcare special issue “Expanding the Scope of Music in Healthcare” First and Second edition. 2019 -
Reviewer Healthcare journals
Reviewer MDPI journals
Reviewer Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration & Active Control
Reviewer Music and Medicine Journal
Reviewer NIH Application Review – Music and Health Panel June 2019.
External Review McMaster University On-Site Review of Proposed Bachelor of Health Science. Music “Integrated-Degree Proposal Between Music and STEM Subjects.” April 16-18, 2019
Reviewer Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, Journal of Music in Medicine, …
Senior Editor Research to Practice: A CMEA Biennial Series. 2000 - 2009
Volume 1 Creativity in Music Education, Timothy Sullivan & Lee Willingham, Eds. 2002
Volume 2, Questioning the Music Education Paradigm, Lee Bartel, Ed. 2004.
Volume 3, Listen to their voices: Research and Practice in Early Childhood Music, Katharine Smithrim & Rena Upitis, Eds), 2007
Volume 4 Envisioning and Enacting Social Justice in Music Education, Elizabeth Gould, Charlene Morton, June Countryman, and Leslie Rose Stewart, Eds. 2009
Reviewer Reviewer Handbook of Research on Music Learning, edited by Richard Colwell and Peter Webster. Oxford University Press.
Advisory Board Member International Journal of Education and the Arts, 2003 - 2016
Editorial Board International Journal of Research in Choral Singing, 2003 - 2016
Room217 Foundation “Music Care Partners: Building Community through Music” research study funded by Ontario Trillium Foundation. Implementation of music care in three long-term care facilities to reduce loneliness and social isolation. 2016-2017.
Neuroforce, Montreal Scientific design and use of sound for neural effects in training programs for peak performers. 2015-2017.
Toronto District School Board “Building the TDSB Future” Community Consultation 2012 – 2013. Largest public data-gathering consultation ever done by TDSB – 72 consultation meetings, 2700 participants. Collaborated on data analysis and preparation of final report, “Building the Toronto District School Board’s Future through Community Consultation.”
Simcoe County Board of Education, Policy Development: October 20, 2008 – March 2009: planning, presentation of research, response to questions, writing and critiquing policy material.
Policy Implementation: December 2009 – April 2010 Advising on the creation of Implementation plan, communication strategy.
Toronto District School Board - Homework Policy Review 2007 – 2008
Doctoral Principal Thesis Supervisor:
Completed: 22 students 1997 - 2021
In Progress: 0
Doctoral Committee Member
Completed: 20 students 2000 - 2018
In progress: 0 student
Doctoral Oral Exam Committee
7 students 1994 - 2009
External Appraiser
3 students 1995 - 2011
Chair for Doctoral Oral Examinations
10 students 2005 - 2018
Master of Arts Reader
4 students 2000 - 2016
Master of Science Defence
2 students
Rhythmic Sound Stimulation and Mechanisms Underlying Fibromyalgia. Larissa McKetton and Abdullah Mosabbir funded by CIHR-SPOR through Canadian Pain Network with team participation from Dr. Tania Di Renna, Women’s College Hospital and TAPMI, Dr. Jed Meltzer, Baycrest, and Dr. Ana Andreazza, Univ of Toronto. 2018 -
Rhythmic Sound Stimulation and Fibromyalgia – A Randomized Clinical Trial. – Thenille Braun-Janzen, funded by MaHRC, with team participation at Mt Sinai Hospital from Dr. Allan Gordon, Dr. Larry Picard, Denise Paneduro, 2014 - 2017
Sound and Music Stimulation for Major Depressive Disorder. Thenille Braun-Janzen, funded by MaHRC, with team participation at University Health Network from Dr. Sidney Kennedy, Dr. Susan Rotzinger, Dr. Jonathan Downar, and Dr. Peter Giacobbe. 2014-2017.
Short-Term Effects of Rhythmic Sound Stimulation on Alzheimer Patients: An Exploratory Pilot Study. Amy Clements-Cortes, with co-investigators Morris Freedman, and Heidi Ahonen. Baycrest 2013 - 2015
Interference in dichotic listening: the effect of contralateral noise on oscillatory brain network Post Doctoral Research: Shahab Jamali with co-investigators Bernhard Ross, Claude Alain, Gottfried Schlaug. Baycrest. 2013 – 2015.
Evaluation of an Adjunctive Musical Attention Training Program with Brain Injured Adolescents. Roger Knox, with co-investigators Jeff Jutai, Robert Gates, Rebecca Loveszy and Vivienne Wit at the Hugh MacMillan Rehabilitation Centre. Funded by The Easter Seals Research Institute. 1992 - 1995
Therapeutic Use of Electronic Music in the Rehabilitation of Spinal Cord Injured Patients. Roger Knox. Funded by Rick Hansen, Man in Motion Legacy Fund. 1992 - 1993.
Attention Enhancement for Brain-Injured Adolescents through Music Therapy with Electroacoustic Instruments.
Roger Knox, with co-investigators, Rebecca Loveszy and Vivienne Wit at the Hugh MacMillan Rehabilitation Centre. 1990 - 1992
Last 12 Years
Books (10 total)
- Proceedings of the International Symposium on Performance Science 2011, Williamon, A., Edwards, D., and Bartel, L. (Eds). Utrecht, The Netherlands: European Association of Conservatoires (AEC). August 2011.
- Elizabeth Gould, June Countryman, Charlene Morton and Leslie Stewart Rose, Eds. (2009) Exploring Social Justice: How Music Education Might Matter. Volume IV of the Series “Research to Practice: A Biennial Series.” Canadian Music Educators’ Association, Lee Bartel, Series Editor.
Chapters in Books (15 total):
- Bartel, L. and Clements-Cortes, A. (2014). Dying Healthy: The place of music therapy in palliative care. In Andrews, G.J. (Ed). Medicinal Melodies. Ashgate Health Geographies Series.
- Bartel, L. (2009) Rhetoric in Case Study Research. In Albert J. Mills, Gabrielle Durepos, and Elden Wiebe (Editors) Encyclopedia of Case Study Research. Sage Publication.
- Bartel, L. (2009) Discursive Frame. In Albert J. Mills, Gabrielle Durepos, and Elden Wiebe (Editors) Encyclopedia of Case Study Research. Sage Publication.
Technical Reports & Theses:
- Foster, B., Mackinnon, C., Pearson, S., Bartel. L. (2017). From Isolation to Integration: Developing an Integrated Model of Music Care. Pilot Study Composite Report. Room 217 Foundation, Port Perry Ontario. 90 pages.
- Foster, B., Mackinnon, C., Pearson, S., Bartel. L. et al (2017). From Isolation to Integration: Developing an Integrated Model of Music Care. Pilot Study Report and Handbook, Fenlelon Court. Room 217 Foundation, Port Perry Ontario. 62 pages.
- Foster, B., Mackinnon, C., Pearson, S., Bartel. L. et al. (2017). From Isolation to Integration: Developing an Integrated Model of Music Care. Pilot Study Report and Handbook, Lakeview Manor. Room 217 Foundation, Port Perry Ontario. 60 pages.
- Foster, B., Mackinnon, C., Pearson, S., Bartel. L. et al. (2017). From Isolation to Integration: Developing an Integrated Model of Music Care. Pilot Study Report and Handbook, Port Perry Place. Room 217 Foundation, Port Perry Ontario. 61 pages.
- Foster, B., Nelson, M., Berends, A., Pearson, S., Lyons, R., Ridgeway, J., Sinclair, I., Bartel, L., (2015). Music Matters: Optimizing Music in Complex Care and Rehabilitation. Project Report. Bridgepoint Active Health.
- Grose, Karen & Bartel, Lee. (February 2013). Building the Toronto District School Board’s Future through Community Consultation: A Technical Report. TDSB. 52 pages.
- Bartel, L. (2010). Analysis of the Value-Added Model of Teacher Effectiveness. Prepared for Marshall Jarvis, OECTA. 21 pages.
- Bartel, L and Cameron, L. (2010). A Study of the OECTA Ministry of Education Funded Collaborative Learning Communities Project 2009-2010: Final Research Report. Prepared for the OECTA Professional Development Department. 124 pages
- Bartel, L and Cameron, L. (2010). A Study of the OECTA Ministry of Education Funded Collaborative Learning Communities Project 2009-2010: Interim Research Report. Prepared for the OECTA Professional Development Department. 64 pages
Papers in Refereed Journals & Invited Papers:
- Cheetu, S.; Medeiros, M.; Winemaker, L.; Li, M.; Bartel, L.; Foster, B.; Mackinnon, C. Understanding the Effects of Music Care on the Lived Experience of Isolation and Loneliness in Long-Term Care: A Qualitative Study. Healthcare 2022, 10, 457.
- Alsalamah, N., Bartel, L. Management of severe low back pain with a focused vibro-percussion wave treatment: A Case Report. Clinical Case Reports, July 2022.
- Bernhard Ross, Simon Dobri, Shahab Jamali, Lee Bartel, Entrainment of somatosensory beta and gamma oscillations accompany improvement in tactile acuity after periodic and aperiodic repetitive sensory stimulation. International Journal of Psychophysiology,Volume 177, 2022, Pages 11-26.
- Mosabbir A A, Braun Janzen T, Al Shirawi M, et al. (February 24, 2022) Investigating the Effects of Auditory and Vibrotactile Rhythmic Sensory Stimulation on Depression: An EEG Pilot Study. Cureus 14(2): e22557. doi:10.7759/cureus.22557
- Abu Omar, A.J., Al Baradie, M.S., Al Dera, H., Vannabouathong, C., Bartel, L. The management of pain due to cervical multilevel disc bulges and spinal stenosis with a focused vibro-percussion wave treatment: A case report. Clinical Case Reports January 2022,
- Bartel, L.; Mosabbir, A. Possible Mechanisms for the Effects of Sound Vibration on Human Health. Healthcare 2021, 9, 597.
- O’Rourke, H.M.; Hopper, T.; Bartel, L.; Archibald, M.; Hoben, M.; Swindle, J.; Thibault, D.; Whynot, T. Music Connects Us: Development of a Music-Based Group Activity Intervention to Engage People Living with Dementia and Address Loneliness. Healthcare 2021, 9, 570.
- Black S, Bartel L, Rodin G. Exit Music: The Experience of Music Therapy within Medical Assistance in Dying. Healthcare (Basel). 2020 Sep 10;8(3):331. doi: 10.3390/healthcare8030331. PMID: 32927626; PMCID: PMC7551927.
- Vuong V, , Mosabbir A, Paneduro D, Gordon, A, Picard L, Faghfoury H, Chung S, Bartel L. The Effects of Rhythmic Sensory Stimulation on Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome: A Pilot Study. Pain Research and Management. 2019. Pain Research and Management, vol. 2020, Article ID 3586767, 10 pages, 2020.
- Braun Janzen T, Al Shirawi MI, Rotzinger S, Kennedy SH and Bartel L (2019) A Pilot Study Investigating the Effect of Music-Based Intervention on Depression and Anhedonia. Front. Psychol. 10:1038. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.01038
- Braun Janzen, Thenille, Paneduro, Denise, Picard, Larry, Gordon, Allan, & Bartel, Lee R. (2019). A parallel randomized controlled trial examining the effects of rhythmic sensory stimulation on fibromyalgia symptoms. PLoS One 14(3): e0212021.
- Picard LM, Bartel LR, Gordon AS, Paneduro D, Chung S, Pink LR. Vibroacoustic Therapy for Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome: A Case Study. Ann Clin Case Rep. 2018; 3: 1504.
- Clements-Cortés, A & Bartel, L. (2018). Are We Doing More Than We Know? Possible Mechanisms of Response to Music Therapy. Frontiers in Medicine. Vol 5 Article 255. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2018.00255
- Bartel, L., Alain, C., Chen, R., Ross, B. (2017). Vibroacoustic Stimulation and Brain Oscillation: From Basic Research to Clinical Application. Music & Medicine. Vol 9 No. 3; 153-166.
- Clements-Cortés, A, Ahonen, H., Evans, M., Tang-Wai, D., Freedman, M. & Bartel, L. (2017) "Can Rhythmic Sensory Stimulation Decrease Cognitive Decline in Alzheimer's Disease?: A Clinical Case Study" Music & Medicine. Vol 9 No. 3; 174-177.
- Clements-Cortés, A, Ahonen, H., Freedman, M. & Bartel, L. (2017) The Potential of Rhythmic Sensory Stimulation Treatments for Persons with Alzheimer’s Disease" Music & Medicine. Vol 9 No. 3; 167-173.
- Braun Janzen, Thenille; Paneduro, D.; Amarasinghe, K.; Picard, L; Gordon, A; Bartel, L. (2017) The effects of Rhythmic Sensory Stimulation on fibromyalgia symptoms: a randomized control trial. Canadian Journal of Pain, vol. 01, pp. 132. (Abstract)
- Smith L, Bartel L, Joglekar S, Chen J. Musical rehabilitation in adult cochlear implant recipients with a self-administered software. Otology & Neurotology. 38(8):e262–e267, SEPTEMBER 2017 DOI: 10.1097/MAO.0000000000001447, PMID: 28806336, Issn Print: 1531-7129
- Esteve Faubel, José María & Bartel, Lee. The Cognition of Stability in Atonal Music in Teenagers with no Musical Experience. Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain. 26(1) 43-55.
- Nelson, M, Foster B, Pearson S, Berends, A, Ridgway, J, Lyons R, Bartel, L. Optimizing music in complex rehabilitation and continuing care. Music & Medicine, Vol 8, No. 3; 2016. 128-136
- Foster B, Bartel L. Understanding music care in Canadian facility-based long term care. Music and Medicine. 2016;8(1):29-34.
- Bina John, Linda Cameron, Lee Bartel. "Creative Musical Play: An Innovative Approach to Early Childhood Music Education in an Urban Community School of Music." Action, Criticism and Theory/ISSME journal. v15 n3 p21-36 Jun 2016
- Clements-Cortés, A., Ahonen, H., Evan, M., Freedman, M. & Bartel, L. (2016). Short term effects of rhythmic sensory stimulation in Alzheimer’s disease: An exploratory pilot study. Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease,52(2), 651-660. DOI 10.3233/JAD 160081
- Foster, B, Bartel, L (2016). Understanding Music Care in Canadian Facility-Based Long Term Care. Music and Medicine, 8 (1) 29-34.
- Clements-Cortés, A. & Bartel, L. (2015). Sound stimulation in patients with Alzheimer’s disease. Annals of Long Term Care, 23(5), 10-16.
- Naghdi, L., Bartel, L., Ahonen, H., Macario, P. The Effect of Low Frequency Sound Stimulation on Patients with Fibromyalgia: A Clinical Study. Pain Research & Management. January/February 2015 20(1).
- David A. Alter, Mary O’Sullivan, Paul I. Oh, Donald A. Redelmeier, Susan Marzolini, Richard Liu, Mary Forhan, Michael Silver, Jack M. Goodman, Lee R. Bartel. Synchronized personalized music audio-playlists to improve adherence to physical activity among patients participating in a structured exercise program: A proof-of-principle feasibility study. Sports Medicine Open. May 8, 2015.
- Picard, LM, Bartel, LR, Gordon, AS, Cepo, D, Wu, K, & Pink, LR. Music as a Sleep Aid in Fibromyalgia. Pain Research & Management. Vol 19 No 2 March/April 2014.
- Bartel, LR. Nine entries of 200 word length on the following topics: Vibroacoustic Therapy, Physioacoustic Method, Low Frequency Sound Therapy, Entrainment, Brainwave entrainment, Heart rate entrainment, Psychological entrainment, Heart Rate Variability, Brainwave states. In Kevin Kirkland (Ed.) Dictionary of Music Therapy,. Routledge Publishers. (2013).
- Alexander, A, Bartel, L, Friesen, L, Shipp, D. and Chen J. (2011) From Fragments to the Whole: A Comparison between Cochlear Implant Users and Normal Hearing Listeners in Music Perception and Enjoyment. Journal of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck. Vol. 40, No 1, pp 1 – 7.
- Lee Bartel, Daniel Bodmer, David Shipp, Jodi Ostroff, Joseph M. Chen (2011) Qualitative Case Studies of Five Cochlear Implant Recipients’ Experience with Music Cochlear Implants International Vol. 12, Number 1. pp. 27-33.
- Bartel, Lee. (2009). Review of “This is Your Brain on Music: The Science of Human Obsession” by Daniel Levitin. University of Toronto Quarterly - Volume 78, Number 1, pp. 160-161
Papers in Published Refereed Conference Proceedings:
- Braun Janzen, Thenille; Paneduro, D.; Amarasinghe, K.; Picard, L; Gordon, A; Bartel, L. (2017) The effects of Rhythmic Sensory Stimulation on fibromyalgia symptoms: a randomized control trial. Canadian Journal of Pain, vol. 01, pp. 132.
- Clements-Cortés, A, Ahonen, H., Freedman, M. & Bartel, L. (2016) Rhythmic sensory stimulation and Alzheimer’s disease, Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 25:sup1, 17, DOI: 10.1080/08098131.2016.1179893
- Braun Janzen, Thenille; Rotzinger, S.; Giacobbe, P.; Downar, J.; Kennedy, S.; Bartel, L. (2016) A pilot study investigating the effects of rhythmic sensory stimulation with low-frequency sounds on depression. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 25(sup1), 122-123. (Abstract)
- Braun Janzen, Thenille; Paneduro, D.; Picard, L; Gordon, A.; Bartel, L. (2016) Is Rhythmic Sensory Stimulation an effective adjunctive therapy for fibromyalgia? Preliminary results. Nordic Journal of Music Therapy, 25(sup1), 122. (Abstract)
- Bartel, L., Ostroff, J., Bodmer, D., Shipp, D., Chen, J. M. (2008). Music Education Dimensions of Cochlear Implant Recipients’ Experience with Music: From Five Qualitative Case Studies to Attention-based Diagnosis and Training. Publication in the Proceedings of the RAIME Conference, Miami, 2007
Non-Refereed Publications (total 67)
- Willingham, L., & Bartel, L. (Spring, 2013). Engage to Create: A Funded Professional Development Project. Canadian Music Educator.
- Clements-Cortés, A. & Bartel, L. (2012). The Tenori-On In Music Therapy: A Music Therapist's Guide. Toronto: Yamaha Music.
- Bartel, L. (2010). Music Pedagogy, Pedagogic Culture, and Pedagogic Multiculturalism. Canadian Music Educator. Vol 52, No. 1 p. 21.
- Sprikut, L. & Bartel. L. (2010). Adapting Pedagogic Culture: The experience of four immigrant music teachers in Canada. Canadian Music Educator Vol 52, No. 1 p. 21 – 25.
- Bartel, L. (2010). Focusing on Music Pedagogic Culture. Canadian Music Educator Vol 52, No 2.
- Cameron, L, & Bartel, L. (2009). The Researchers Ate the Homework: Perspectives of Parents and Teachers. Education Canada. January 2009. pp. 48-51
Refereed Conferences:
- Saxena, R., Abbasi, M., Dyback, P., Moskalyk, M., Mackinnon, C., Bartel, L., Khan, A. Accuracy of Photo Measurement and Caliper Tools in Measurement of Spinal Tilt and Correlation with Patient Self-Reported Pain. Poster presented at McMaster University Poster Day. April 13, 2022.
- Moskalyk, M., Mackinnon, C., Bartel, L., Khan, A. Development of clinical reasoning protocol for spinal treatment using accelerated low frequency kinetically directed impulses. International Association for the Study of Pain, Toronto, September 2022.
- Mosabbir A. (Presenter), and Bartel, L.The effects of rhythmic sensory stimulation on chronic pain and associated symptoms. 14thInternational Conference on Rheumatology and Arthroplasty. September 21-22, 2020 in London, UK. Online due to COVID-19.
- Vuong, V., Mosabbir, A., Picard, L., Paneduro, D., Faghfoury, H., Evans, M., Gordon, A., and Bartel, L. The Effects of Rhythmic Sensory Stimulation on Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome: A Pilot Study. Poster presentation (done via video), International Association for Music & Medicine Conference, May 2020.
- Mosabbir, A., Braun Janzen, T., Naghdi, L., Paneduro, D., Picard, L., Gordon, A., Ahonen, H., Macario, P., and Bartel, L. The effects of Rhythmic Sensory Stimulation on Fibromyalgia symptoms. Poster presentation (done via video), International Association for Music & Medicine Conference, May 2020.
- Vuong, V., Mosabbir, A., Picard, L., Paneduro, D., Faghfoury, H., Evans, M., Gordon, A., and Bartel, L. The Effects of Rhythmic Sensory Stimulation on Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome: A Pilot Study. 30 minute paper presentation (done via video), International Association for Music & Medicine Conference, May 2020.
- Mosabbir, A., Braun Janzen, T., Naghdi, L., Paneduro, D., Picard, L., Gordon, A., Ahonen, H., Macario, P., and Bartel, L. The effects of Rhythmic Sensory Stimulation on Fibromyalgia symptoms. 30 minute paper presentation (done via video), International Association for Music & Medicine Conference, May 2020.
- Mosabbir, A., Braun Janzen, T., Al Shirawi, M., Rotzinger, S., Kennedy, S., Meltzer, J., Bartel, L. An investigation into the effects of rhythmic sensory stimulation on depression and associated symptoms. 30 minute paper presentation (done via video), International Association for Music & Medicine Conference, May 2020.
- Mosabbir, A., Braun Janzen, T., Al Shirawi, M., Rotzinger, S., Kennedy, S., Meltzer, J., Bartel, L. An investigation into the effects of rhythmic sensory stimulation on depression and associated symptoms. Poster presentation (done via video), International Association for Music & Medicine Conference, May 2020.
- Bartel, L., Clements-Cortes, A., Freedman, M., Goldberg, Y., and McPhee, M. Vibroacoustic Feasibility Study in Advanced Dementia Contexts. Poster presentation (done via video), International Association for Music & Medicine Conference, May 2020.
- McPhee, M.D., Clements-Cortes, A., Bartel, L., Freedman, M., & Goldberg, Y. (2020, February). Rhythmic sensory stimulation for the treatment of severe behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia: A pilot feasibility study. Poster session presented at the International Neuropsychological Society Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
- Mosabbir A. (Presenter), Braun Janzen T., McKetton, L., Meltzer J., and BartelL. An investigation into the effects of rhythmic sensory stimulation on Fibromyalgia symptoms. Chronic Pain Network annual meeting. April 2, 2019.
- O'Rourke, H., Swindle, J., Hopper, T., Sullivan, D., Whynot, T., Bartel, L., Hoben, M., Archibald, M., Woodhead Lyons, S. Music Connects Us: Design of an innovative music-based group activity intervention to address loneliness for people with dementia. Canadian Association on Gerontology. Moncton, NB Canada. Oct. 24-26, 2019.
- Smith L, Chen J, Bartel L, Joglekar S. The Effects of Musical Rehabilitation in Adult Cochlear Implant Recipients on Music Perception, Music Enjoyment, and Speech Perception Podium Presentation. 14th International Conference on Cochlear Implants and Other Implantable Auditory Technologies. May, 2016.
- Clements-Cortés, A, Ahonen, H., Freedman, M. & Bartel, L. (2016) Rhythmic Sensory Stimulation and Alzheimer’s Disease. 10th European Congress of Music Therapy, Vienna, Austria. (PR). July
- Clements-Cortés, A, Ahonen, H., Freedman, M. & Bartel, L. (2016), Short Term Effects of Rhythmic Sensory Stimulation in Alzheimer’s Disease. Poster presentation at International Association for Music and Medicine, Beijing, China , June.
- Clements-Cortés, A, Ahonen, H., Freedman, M. & Bartel, L. (2016). Short Term Effects of Rhythmic Sensory Stimulation in Alzheimer’s Disease. Poster at Canadian Association for Music Therapy 42nd Annual Conference, Kitchener, Ontario, May
- Braun Janzen, Thenille; Paneduro, D.; Amarasinghe, K.; Picard, L.; Gordon, A.; Bartel, L. (2017) The effect of rhythmic sensory stimulation on fibromyalgia symptoms: a randomized control trial. Poster presented at the 38th Scientific Meeting of the Canadian Pain Society, Halifax, Canada. May 25.
- Braun Janzen, Thenille; Rotzinger, S.; Giacobbe, Peter; Downar, Jonathan; Kennedy, Sidney; Bartel, Lee. (2016) A pilot study investigating the effects of rhythmic sensory stimulation with low-frequency sounds on depression. Paper presented at the 10th European Music Therapy Conference, 2016, Vienna, Austria. July 05-09.
- Braun Janzen, Thenille; Paneduro, D.; Picard, L; Gordon, A; Bartel, Lee. (2016) Is Rhythmic Sensory Stimulation an effective adjunctive therapy for fibromyalgia? Preliminary results. Paper presented at the 10th European Music Therapy Conference, 2016, Vienna, Austria. July 05-09.
- Braun Janzen, Thenille; Rotzinger, S. ; Giacobbe, Peter ; Downar, Jonathan ; Kennedy, Sidney; Bartel, Lee. (2016) A pilot study investigating the effects of rhythmic sensory stimulation with low-frequency sounds on depression. Poster presented at the 10th European Music Therapy Conference, 2016, Vienna, Austria. July 05-09.
- Braun Janzen, Thenille; Paneduro, D.; Picard, L; Gordon, A; Bartel, Lee. (2016) Is Rhythmic Sensory Stimulation an effective adjunctive therapy for fibromyalgia? Preliminary results. Poster presented at the 10th European Music Therapy Conference, 2016, Vienna, Austria. July 05-09.
- Amy Clements-Cortes, Heidi Ahonen, Morris Freedman, Lee Bartel. Short Term Effects of Rhythmic Sensory Stimulation in Alzheimer’s Disease. 26th Rotman Research Institute Conference, Toronto, Ontario. (PR). March 2016
- Braun Janzen, T; Bartel, L. (2015) Examining the effect of expertise and training on movement control: a comparison between musicians and athletes. Paper presented at The Southern Ontario Motor Behaviour Symposium, University of Toronto. Toronto, Canada. May.
- Braun Janzen, T; Bartel, L. (2015) Can We Improve Patients’ Quality of Life Using Sounds? Examining the Effectiveness of Rhythmic Sensory Stimulation on the Treatment of Fibromyalgia and Major Depressive Disorder. Poster presented at The 2015 Collaborative Program In Neuroscience (CPIN) Research Day, University of Toronto. Toronto, Canada.
- Braun Janzen, T; Bartel, L. (2015) Can We Improve Patients’ Quality of Life Using Sounds? Examining the Effectiveness of Rhythmic Sensory Stimulation with Low-Frequency Sounds on the Treatment of Fibromyalgia and Major Depressive Disorder. Poster presented at The 11th Annual NeuroMusic Conference, McMaster University. Hamilton, Canada.
- Bina John, Linda Cameron, Lee Bartel. "Creative Musical Play: An Innovative Approach to Early Childhood Music Education in an Urban Community School of Music." International Symposium on the Sociology of Music Education, Loyola University, New Orleans. June 14 - June 19 2015
- Smith, L., Chen, J., Bartel, L., Joglekar, S. The effects of musical rehabilitation in adult
- cochlear implant recipients on music perception, music enjoyment, and speech perception. E-poster. 12th European Symposium on Pediatric Cochlear Implants. June, 2015.
- Clements-Cortes, A., Ahonen, H., Freedman, M., Bartel, L. (2015). Good Vibrations, Sound Stimulation, Rhythmic Sensory Stimulation and Alzheimer’s Disease. Online Conference for Music Therapy, Feb 2015.
- Smith, L., Chen, J., Joglekar, S., Friesen, L., Bartel, L. (2014). Musical rehabilitation in adult cochlear implant recipients with a self-administered software: MusicEAR. Podium Presentation. 14th Symposium on Cochlear Implants in Children. December, 2014.
- Smith, L., Chen, J., Bartel, L., Alexander, A., Amoodi, H. (2014). Validating the discriminatory properties and test-retest reliability of a diagnostic music battery for CI users: MusicEAR. Podium Presentation. 14th Symposium on Cochlear Implants in Children. December, 2014.
- Smith, L., Chen, J., Friesen, L., Joglekar, S., Bartel, L. (2014). Musical Rehabilitation in adult cochlear implant recipients with a self-administered software: MusicEAR. Podium Presentation. 13th International Conference on Cochlear Implants and Other Implantable Auditory Technologies. June, 2014.
- Clements-Cortes, A., Ahonen, H., Freedman, M., Bartel, L. (2014) Rhythmic Sensory Stimulation and Alzheimer’s Disease. International Association for Music and Medicine 3rd International Conference, Toronto, Ontario, June 2014.
- Clements-Cortes, A., Ahonen, H., Freedman, M., Bartel, L. (2014). Rhythmic Sensory Stimulation in Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Disease. 43rd Annual Canadian Association on Gerontology Scientific and Educational Meeting, Niagara Falls, Ontario. Oct 2014.
- Bartel, L., Amoodi, H., Friesen, L, & Chen J. "From Qualitative Cases to Theoretical Foundation for Music Enjoyment Ability Retraining" 12th International Conference on Cochlear Implants, May, 2012 Baltimore
- Amoodi, H., Bartel, L, Friesen, L, & Chen J. "Construct Validity and Reliability of a Novel Music Assessment Tool for Cochlear Implant Users" 12th International Conference on Cochlear Implants, May, 2012 Baltimore
- Amoodi, H., Bartel, L, Friesen, L, & Chen J. Test-retest Reliability and Internal Consistency of MusicEAR Administered to Cochlear Implant Users. Combined Otolaryngology Spring Meeting, San Diego April 2012.
- Vause, L., Cameron, L., & Bartel, L. (2012). CLC Initiated Action Research as Means to Teacher Development: OECTA - 2009 – 2011. American Education Research Association. Vancouver April 15.
- Bartel, L, Willingham, L, & Cameron, L. (2012). Changing Perspectives and Pedagogy through Collaborative Learning Communities. American Education Research Association. Vancouver April 15.
- Monk, A., Bartel, L., Willingham, L. (2012) The Content of Change: An Analysis of Collaborative Learning Communities’ Decisions. American Education Research Association. Vancouver April 15.
- Willingham, L., Bartel, L., Rodrigues, J., Jamieson, D. (2012). Engage to Create: A Collaborative Learning Project Report. Ontario Education Research Symposium 2012, Education Research and Evaluation Strategy Branch, Ministry of Education. February 22
- S Greenberg, L Bartel, L Friesen, V Lin, J Nedzelski, J Chen. Experience of Music Appreciation in Cochlear Implant Patients; A Qualitative Study. Canadian Society of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery, 64th annual meeting. May 23-25 2010. Niagara Falls, Ontario.
- Cameron, L. & Bartel, L. Knowledge Equity in the Music Classroom or Studio: Dilemmas of Pedagogy, International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research in Music Pedagogy May 26 to 29, 2010 University of Ottawa.
- Bartel, L. Equity on the Podium: Implications for Pedagogical Choices. International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research in Music Pedagogy May 26 to 29, 2010 University of Ottawa.
- Sprikut, Leonid & Bartel, Lee. (2010). Culture, Music, and Pedagogic Multiculturalism: Cross-Cultural Adaptation of Music Teaching. ISME Conference, Beijing, China.
- Chen, J., Bartel, L., Alexander, A., & Friesen, L. From Fragments to the whole: A comparison between cochlear implant users and normal hearing listeners in music perception and enjoyment. 27th Politzer Society Meeting, London UK, Sept. 5, 2009
- Alexander, A, Bartel, L, Friesen, L, Shipp, D. and Chen J. From Fragments to the Whole: A Comparison between Cochlear Implant Users and Normal Hearing Listeners in Music Perception and Enjoyment. Presented at the Percy Ireland Day, University of Toronto, Department of Otolaryngology--Head & Neck Surgery. May 2009. This paper was winner of "Overall Best Paper."
- Alexander, A, Bartel, L, Friesen, L, Shipp, D. and Chen J. From Fragments to the Whole: A Comparison between Cochlear Implant Users and Normal Hearing Listeners in Music Perception and Enjoyment. May, 11, 2009. CSO-HNS 63rd Annual Meeting, Dalhousie University, Halifax. Winner of the Annual Resident's Competition (national prize)
Invited Academic Presentations
- Bartel, L. Pulsed Stimulation Therapy: Body, Blood Bone, Brain. Room 217 Webinar Series, February 12, 2020.
- Bartel, L. The Many Ways to Care With Music. Conversations on Arts, Health and Community in Ottawa. Carleton University and National Arts Centre, Nov 19, 2019.
- Bartel, L. Effects of Music as Sound on Body, Blood, Bone & Brain. Grey Highlands Probus. June 12, 2019.
- Bartel, L. “Music in Long-term Care: Science and Solace.” Plenary Presentation. Symposium – Music, Health & Wellbeing. Setubal, Portugal – May 26-27. 2019
- Bartel, L. How Music Can Impact Health. Later Life Learning, Stouffville, ON. May 6, 2019.
- Mosabbir AA, Bartel L. Music Research Program for Chronic Pain (MRP-CP): Examining the Effects of Rhythmic Sensory Stimulation and Music as Complementary Therapy for Chronic Pain. Chronic Pain Network Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON, April 2019
- Mosabbir, AA; Braun Janzen, T; McKetton, L; Meltzer, J; Bartel, L. An investigation into the effects of Rhythmic Sensory Stimulation on Fibromyalgia symptoms. Poster Presentation. Chronic Pain Network Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON, April 2019.
- Bartel, L. Rhythmic Sensory Stimulation as a Potential Treatment for Neurological Conditions. City-wide Behavioural Neurology Rounds, Baycrest Centre, Oct 25, 2017.
- Bartel, L. Rhythmic Sensory Stimulation: A Developing Neurological Treatment. City-wide Behavioural Neurology Rounds, Baycrest Centre, Oct 17, 2018.
- Bartel, L. Music Intervention Innovations, School of Nursing, University of Alberta, Edmonton, June 3, 2018.
- Bartel, L. The Surprising Effect of Music and Vibration. Life Long Learning Group, University of Toronto, May 2, 2018.
- Bartel, L. The Place of Music in Health Care. ArtBeat, University of Toronto, May 1, 2018.
- Bartel, L. New Hope for Alzheimer’s? Room 217 Webinar Series, February 14, 2018.
- Braun Janzen, T. Paneduro, D.; Amarasinghe, K.; Picard, L.; Gordon, A.; Bartel, L. CAN-BIND Music therapy studies. Presentation at the CAN-BIND Family and Friends Day: Exercise, Nutrition and Wellness in Depression. Toronto, Canada. January 31st, 2018.
- Bartel, L. October 2017. Music Medicine: Sound at the Cellular Level. TEDx Collingwood.
- Bartel, L. How Music Can Impact Your Health. Probus Club of Toronto, May 10, 2017.
- Braun Janzen, Thenille; Downar, Jonathan; Giacobbe, Peter; Rotzinger, S.; Bartel, Lee; Kennedy, Sidney. (2017) Examining the effect of music and rhythmic sensory stimulation on major depression disorder: preliminary pilot results. Poster presented at The Canadian Biomarker Integration Network in Depression Annual Meeting. Toronto, Canada. January 27.
- Bartel, L. Music Medicine and Pain. Room 217 Webinar Series. May 11, 2016.
- Bartel, L. Driving Your Brain Normal with Sound. Sounds of Science: Music, Technology, Medicine. University of Toronto Faculty of Music and Engineering Engagement. May 2, 2016.
- Clements-Cortés, A, Ahonen, H., Freedman, M. & Bartel, L. (2016) Short Term Effects of Rhythmic Sensory Stimulation in Alzheimer’s Disease.Poster at Sounds of Science: Music, Technology, Medicine, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, May.
- Bartel, L. Music and the Brain. In “Our Beautiful Baffling Brains Series,” BlueWater Association Life-Long Learning, Owen Sound, April 14, 2016
- Braun Janzen, T.; Howard, A.; Vuong, V. Bartel, L. (2016) Music and Chronic Pain: An Overview of the research projects at the Wasser Pain Management Centre. Talk at the Mount Sinai Hospital Educational Rounds. Toronto, Canada. March 24, 2016
- Bartel, L. Response to Music: Mind, Brain, Body. University of South Florida, Graduate Seminar, March 3, 2016
- Braun Janzen, T.; Rotzinger, S.; Giacobbe, P.; Downar, J.; Kennedy, S.; Bartel, L. (2016) CAN-BIND 7: Rhythmic Sensory Stimulation Project. Paper presented at The Canadian Biomarker Integration Network in Depression Annual Meeting. Toronto, Canada. January 28-29.
- Braun Janzen, T.; Rotzinger, S.; Giacobbe, P.; Downar, J.; Kennedy, S.; Bartel, L. (2016) Examining the effect of music and rhythmic sensory stimulation on major depression disorder: protocol overview. Poster presented at The Canadian Biomarker Integration Network in Depression Annual Meeting. Toronto, Canada. January 28-29, 2016
- Braun Janzen, T.; Rotzinger, S.; Giacobbe, P.; Downar, J.; Kennedy, S.; Bartel, L. (2016) Examining the Effects of Rhythmic Sensory Stimulation on Major Depressive Disorder: Research Activity Report. Paper presented at The Music and Health Research Collaboratory Annual Meeting: The State of the MaHRC. Toronto, Canada. January 26.
- Bartel, L. “State of the MaHRC”: Overview of Current MaHRC Research. Faculty of Music, University of Toronto, January 26, 2016.
- Bartel, L. How Music can Impact our Health, University of Toronto Alumni Talks, Fairview Hotel, Edmonton. November 16, 2015
- Bartel, L. “The Science of Music in Memory Care” Keynote Talk. Music Care Conference, Mississauga. Saturday Nov 7, 2015
- Bartel, L. Brain rehabilitation to recover hearing with cochlear implants. Music Care Conference, Mississauga. Saturday Nov 7, 2015
- Braun Janzen, T; Bartel, L. (2015) MaHRC - Current research in Music & Health. Presentation at Music Care Conference. Hamilton, Canada. November 7, 2015
- Amy Clements-Cortes, Heidi Ahonen, Morris Freedman, Lee Bartel. Rhythmic Sensory Stimulation and Alzheimer’s Disease. Music Care Conference, Mississauga, Ontario. Nov 7, 2015
- Bartel, L. Music as Brain Stimulation in Cardiac Rehabilitation. Music Care Conference, Mississauga. Saturday Nov 7, 2015
- Bartel, L. Participation in Panel Discussion on Interconnections between Art and Health. Art Heals Health Heals Art Conference. Toronto, Oct 28, 2015
- Bartel, L. Music and Wellness throughout Life. St Michael’s University School, Victoria BC. October 2, 2015
- Bartel, L. The Science in the Power of Music Lafayette Health Awareness Series, Victoria BC, October 1, 2015
- Bartel, L. Music and Aging Research – What is and What Might Be. University of Victoria, Centre for Aging. October 1, 2015
- Bartel, L. Interface of Music and Health, University of Victoria, Medical and Music Student Lunch, October 1, 2015
- Amy Clements-Cortes, Heidi Ahonen, Morris Freedman, Lee Bartel. Recent Alzheimer’s Research: Short Term Effects of Rhythmic Sensory Stimulation on Alzheimer Patients. Music and Health Colloquium, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario. Sept. 29, 2015
- Bartel, L. “Music and the Brain” Toronto Ravel Group of Composers, October 7, 2014 (60 minute presentation).
- Bartel, L. “Music and Mental Health: A Model of the Music Effect.” University of Toronto Mindfest, October 6, 2014. (60 minute presentation)
- Bartel, L. “A Model of Music Effect for Therapy.” Rehabilitation Science Rounds, October 2, 2014, Graduate Department of Rehabilitation Science, U of T.
- Bartel, L. “Sound Health: How and Why Music can Play a Role in Aging.” Keynote talk. Excellence in Aging Care Symposium, Fredericton, September 24-26, 2014.
- Bartel, L. “Music Medicine in Neuro-Rehabilitation: Foundations and Applications of Sound Stimulation.” Presentation to the University of Toronto, Connaught Foundation Committee: May 13, 2014.
- Bartel, L. “The beat goes on: Drums keep pounding rhythm to the brain” Room 217 Foundation Webinar – May 7, 2014.
- Bartel, L. Participated in 2 hour panel on Music and Brain. Toronto Ravel Study Group, April 15, 2014.
- Bartel, L. “Neural driving effects of music and sound.” Health Aging and Popular Music, Graduate Musicology Course, U of T. March 12, 2014.
- Bartel, L. “Neuroscience and Pedagogy.” Conference of Independent Schools Music Teachers: January 29, 2014
- Bartel, L. “Learning Styles and the Implications for Teaching.” Vocal Pedagogy Class, Univ of Toronto, January 21, 2014.
- Bartel, L. “The Music and Health Connection: Illustrating a Research Model”- SKULE Lunch & Learn, U of T Engineering Alumni Assoc. January 14, 2014 (2 hour presentation and questions).
- Clements-Cortes, A., Ahonen, H., Freedman, M., Bartel, L. Nov. 2013 Good Vibrations: Rhythmic Sensory Stimulation and Alzheimer’s. Music Medicine Research Symposium, MaHRC, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario
- Bartel, L “Sound Health: Potential for Music Effects in Aging.” Institute for Life Course and Aging, Webinar. March 13, 2014
- Smith, L., Chen, J., Bartel, L., Friesen, L., & Joglekar, S. (2013). MusicEAR: A rehabilitative software for CI users. Podium Presentation. Med-EL Canadian Research Meeting, Zell am Ziller, Austria; December 2013.
- Bartel, L. “Face the Music: Conditions of Learning Music. ” Play Drama & the Arts Course, OISE UT. 60 minute. November 13, 2013
- Bartel, L. plus panel members: “Music and Quality of Life.” Music Care Conference, Toronto, November 10, 2013
- Bartel, L. “Music Therapy to Music Medicine.” Music Care Conference, University of Toronto Nov 10, 2013.
- Bartel, L. “MaHRC and Developing a Research Agenda.” Health Arts and Humanities Program, Mount Sinai, Oct 16, 2013
- Bartel, L. “Sound Health: How and Why can Music Play a Role in Aging.” Metropolitan United Church, Toronto: Sept 29, 2013
- Bartel, L. “Sound in Body and Mind: Experiences, Explanations, Expectations of the Interface of Sound and Health.” Bridgepoint Research Collaboratory, Toronto: June 1, 2013
- Bartel, L. “Sound Health- Exploring the Therapeutic Interface Between Music, Mind & Body.” Ontario Medical Association, Doctor’s Lounge Lecture Series. January 22, 2013. 90 minute presentation followed by 60 minutes questions. 65 medical doctors in attendance.
- Bartel, L “Extra-Musical Learning Effects of Music Instruction.” Play Drama & the Arts, OISE UT. Guest lecture in graduate course. 60 minute. October 16, 2012
- Bartel, L & Cameron, L. “Face the Music: Conditions of Learning Music” Play Drama & the Arts, OISE UT. Guest lecture in graduate course. 60 minute. October 16, 2012
- Bartel, L. “Sound Health: A Model of Human Response to Sound applied to Therapy” Music for Healing and Transition Program, Annual Conference, Arden, North Carolina, October 18-20, 2012. (90 minute Keynote)
- Bartel, L. “Crafting Your Sound for Effect.” Music for Healing and Transition Program, Annual Conference, Arden, North Carolina, October 18-20, 2012. (90 minute presentation)
- Bartel, L. “Sound in Body and Mind: Exploring the Interface of Music and Health.” Kings College Circle Heritage Society, October 25, 2012.
- Bartel, L. “Sound in Body and Mind: Experiences, Explanations, Expectations of the Interface of Sound and Health.” Adult Day-Care Association, Ottawa Conference March 9, 2012
- Bartel, L. “Extra-Musical Learning Effects of Music Instruction.” 90 minute Guest lecture in Play Drama & the Arts, OISE UT graduate course. November 8, 2011
- Bartel, L. “Psych-social Effects of Pedagogical Choices in Music Instruction.” 90 minute Guest lecture in Play Drama & the Arts, OISE UT graduate course. November 8, 2011
- Bartel, L. “21st Century Music Education: Paradigms, Challenges, and Emerging Trends.”Association of Music Administrators of Manitoba. Keynote Presentation – 80 minutes, October 20, 2011.
- Bartel, L. “Is Music Education Relevant?”Association of Music Administrators of Manitoba. Keynote Presentation – 60 minutes. October 20, 2011
- Bartel, L & Cameron, L. “ Critical Questions for Music Education.” Association of Music Administrators of Manitoba. 80 minutes. October 20, 2011
- Bartel, L. “Sound in Body and Mind: Experiences, Explanations, Expectations of the Interface of Sound and Health.” Mount Sinai Hospital, Wasser Pain Clinic Rounds. March 3, 2011.
- Bartel, L. “Personality, Learning Style, and Music Pedagogy.” Two Guest lectures in Prof. Lorna MacDonald’s pedagogy classes – Graduate and undergraduate. March 1, 2011.
- Bartel, L. “Why Does Music Work? A Neuroscience Perspective.” Music Care Conference, No